
Your Other Self, How 'bout that?

The memo was worked! Now I have so many ideas to tell, and so limited time to write the so many ideas in this so limited time. So, I decided to fulfill my promise first. If you still remember, gue pernah janji mau ceritain sedikit tentang masalah perbancian di hidup gue. Oke, gue parno sama banci (baca : bencong, read : sissy). Entah kenapa dan dari kapan gue parno sama yang berbau kaya gini. Bahkan kalau ada suara musik dari kejauhan, dan tiba-tiba waktu berhenti mendadak, gue udah tau bakal ada banci tampil dan gue langsung berdoa, berharap gue dikasih kekuatan invincible.

Sekitar sebulan yang lalu, gue ngalamin pekan terburuk dalam hidup gue. Yes, the worst week in my life. Gue disamperin banci 2x dalam seminggu, dan semuanya itu malem-malem.


Just Another Weaknesses

Before I write this first sentence, I was just looked at the monitor for 5 minutes. Because I didn't really sure what I wanted to write. Tiba-tiba, gue inget sama film ini :

Yeah, Gulliver's Travels. I saw it last night, and that movie taught me so many things. Mungkin, apa yang gue dapet dari film ini bisa jadi pelajaran buat kehidupan gue.


What a we(a)ek

*drum rolls playing*
Here am I back to blogging again! *har har har har*
Kayaknya udah lebih dari 1 minggu gue gak posting sesuatu yang baru di sini. Nah! Itu dia yang mau gue pasang disini. I think that this week is the hardest week in my life. Macem-macem pengalaman udah gue alami di minggu ini. Berawal dari wajah yang berseri-seri sampai dari wajah shock pasca trauma gara-gara dipalak wanita jadi-jadian (ban-chi).

Ehm but I will write those pansies on my next posts. Yeah, you should be patient with that! *lol*

Yes, it starts on the last sunday...


I can't learn how to wake up properly

Ehem! I want to tell you a story. It's not about her, it's not about them, but it's about myself, it's about me, and it's about mine.
Since hundred years ago, I have a problem with my sleep. Yes, it's still be my problem until now. I dunno why I have this kind of very problematic problem (if it's not a problem, it's not problematic d'uh). Maybe this is a new kind of disease called Hard-to-wake-up Syndrome. If there are levels from 1 to 4, I will be at level 6. Well, you seemed not really understand how problematic this problem is, and I also have tried really-really-so-many things to cure this disease. Here they are my trials :

Because of Ball, Go Garuda

Entah cuma gue atau semua juga ngerasa kalau akhir-akhir ini jalanan Jakarta jadi lebih sepi. Awalnya, waktu gue balik dari kampus dengan motor gw tercinta dan satu-satunya. Tapi, seandainya motor gw mau digantikan posisinya sama mobil, ya gue rela kok, maaf ya tor? *hiks hiks
Back to topic!
Kembali ke Jakarta, cuaca kota Jakarta esok hari diperkirakan sedikit cerah dan sedikit remang-remang dikarenakan ada *piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* (antena dirusak sama pembaca gara-gara selalu out of topic).
Oke, sekarang serius.


Believe is not enough, and never enough

Hey guys! Well, I already recovered from my mood and I am doing really well this morning! yeeee~~

Gue mau share cerita ke kalian. Cerita ini gue dapet dari film "The Pursuit of Happiness". Well, if you haven't watch that movie yet, you better hurry! Because that is A-Good movie to watch.

Well, here is the quotes :

One day, there was a man who was drowning, and then a boat came, and the man on the boat said, "Do you need help?" and the man said, "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he kept on saying, "God will save me", then he drowned and went to heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and then God said, "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

So, how was the story? The story tried to tell us that on every problems that we face, God always give us a solution. But, our problem is, we don't sure in what kind these solutions will be. All we have to do is not only believe that God will save us, but we have to try and struggle to make us get out from the problem.

You don't want to be called "dummy" right? Especially, called "dummy" by your God? *lol
Oh, and after this, I have to continue my tasks (yes with 'S'), and maybe go to cinema tomorrow?

p.s : thanks to Janet that makes the 'bad' words before 'mood' changed to 'good'


This Pathetic

Well, I'm in a middle of pathetic situation right now. Yes, bad mood. I don't know when this situation come to me, although I'm just okay in the morning. Feel like I want to scream as loud as I can, run as fast as I can, and to play as long as I can. But there is no sea that too wide, there is no road that too long, and there is no game that too fun.
I just need a someone to talk with, and someone who can cheer me up.

Maybe a call, or maybe else?

I forgot to write the title after I post it

I just saw my used blog and I really miss the moment when I posted my entries in Bahasa.
Yeah, so really damn miss.

Because of that, I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk...
syudududududu~ *out of topic

I mean, because of that I want to post my entries maybe bilingually?
Some of you may feel kinda brain-washed at first read that, and I'm sorry.

Well, I didn't meant that.


Yin and Yang on Every Days

Guess! Where I have been?
Well here are my routes :
Home > UI > LOST > Dvd Hunting > Home
Well, I want to tell you guys about these two things : UI and LOST.
Yeah, LOST.


What I mean here is University of Indonesia.
"Whoa, whoa. Are you just move your college to there?"
Of course not, but I hope that. hahahaha.
Well, I'm here to observe Founder's Trophy Debate Competition. There are so many great debaters there. Ooooh my, I want to be like one of them. How they speak, and how their gesture tell us how great they are, and I hope can learn something from them. Beside that, guess what? I meet my one of my long-time-no-see-friends and she is also a great debater!

Oh and then, I find a cheap and fun way when you wanna eat ice cream!
*a little tips and tricks from me :D
Firstly, you must find someone else who want to share with you. I suggest more than two friends.
Then, rather than you buy a single stick of ice cream, why don't you guys buy one bucket of ice cream, and eat it together? If I calculate that, it cost cheaper than a single stick of ice cream, because it contain A LOT ice creams!
woohoooo~ I love ice cream~


Camera, roll, accent!

Finally the Mid-Test is over, then my friends and I decided to watch a movie.
"What movie dude?"
Here comes the movie :
"Are you serious? Is that good?"
Are you kidding me? Even Darth Vader read Harry Potter :

"What the **** ?"

Okay, back to topic.


What a mofo Mid-Test

Hey folks! I'm back!!!! *jreng
". . . ."
okay forget it. Well, I've just finished my ultimate mid-test hard combo. That is :
  • Algorithm and Programming
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics
Hmm, maybe if Discrete Mathematics were a girl, I will sent her a letter that describe how I feel. Yeah, she (she refers to Discrete Math) made me crazy and I can't sleep because I always worry about her at night. I hope you know how I feel, or maybe...

I will sent her a letter on my next post :)

note : If you don't know what is mofo, just googling, and it's not recommended for children.


Benang Kusut

Another short post with Bahasa Indonesia,

Kayaknya gue pengen teriak, pengen coret-coret gak jelas, pengen makan sekenyang-kenyangnya, pengen main sepuasnya, pokoknya gue lagi pengen semau gue. Feeling emang bisa berubah 180 derajat dalam hitungan detik.

Awalnya feeling gue kayak gini :
Seketika berubah jadi kayak begini :

I wish I can tell this feeling to a right person. But who?

Hey, you got friends!

Sometimes when you feel that the world become so booooooooo~~~~ring, and we don't know what should we do.
Sometimes when you feel that you are so alone in this world, that makes the world so boooooooooo~~ring, you are extremely wrong. Even crazy people who lose their mind are not alone in this world.

Yes, we all have friend(s)

Don't you ever say that your life are so empty, and you feel so alone in this world. Because since you have friends, there is no "empty". Friends can always fill our day with thousand inspirational words. Friends can be your sunshine when it was raining out there. Friends always have their shoulder when you are crying (hmmm, it seems like a lyric). Friends can always make you laugh even you're in sorrow condition. Their words inspire you, their laugh make you happy, and friends always be there when you need them.

Let's makes some lo...ups! I mean, let's make some friends! xD

How you describe between Love, Like, and Friend

Halo semua~
Kali ini gue mau posting di blog gw yang absurd nan tercinta ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia Tidak Resmi.
Kenapa Bahasa Indonesia Tidak Resmi?
Simple, gw gak berani bilang ini cuma Bahasa Indonesia  aja soalnya kalau Bapak Presiden SBY lagi pidato, beliau gak ngomong pake "gue" dan "lu" kan?

Back to topic, apa yang gw mau kasih tau ke kalian lewat posting ini adalah bagaimana kita ngebatasin antara Cinta, Suka, dan Teman.
Maksudnya "Ngebatasin"?
Hmm, maksud gw adalah jangan sampe kalian gak tau batasan klo kita Cinta sama seseorang, Suka sama seseorang, dan sebagai Teman dari seseorang.
Ooooh, yang punya blog sebenarnya CurCol dah nih pasti huahahahaha
*lempar sepatu plus kaos kakinya
*NB : blom dicuci 2 minggu kaos kakinya

Oke, back to topic (again). Yang gw mau kalian perhatiin, dan menurut pengamatan gw juga, Teman lebih bebas ngelakuin apa aja daripada klo udah Cinta. (despite that gross things such as *piiiip* and *piiiiip*)
Oke, contoh konkritnya kayak gini :
  1. Klo kita berteman, dan benar-benar berteman, kayaknya nyebut dia dengan "sayang" dan "cinta" itu hal yang biasa dan normal, tapi klo kita ngerasa cinta (belom jadian) sama dia nyebut dua kata itu bener-bener susah mau keluar.
  2. Klo kalian berteman, dan teman kalian nyebut-nyebut kalian dengan panggilan kayak "sayang", "cinta", atau "beb" (mungkin?), gue gak merekomendasikan dia buat kalian PDKT-in. Gue gak terlalu bisa jelasin ini kenapa, tapi ini pengalaman penulis. LOL
  3. Kalian juga harus bisa menghargai pertemanan, dan mungkin beberapa orang gak setuju kalo pertemanan bisa jadi ke pacaran. Untungnya, gue bukan tipe beberapa orang itu. Gue masih berpegang teguh sama lagunya Mr.A-Z yang "Lucky"
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will



Beat your seven girl's exes to get her

Great isn't it? Can you imagine you should beat (I define 'beat' here in real meaning) all of your girl friend's exes to get her heart? Especially, when her exes are granted by super power, and you also have your own super power, isn't that really cool?
Yeah, cool. But, it won't cool anymore if you die and turn into coins
Yes, that's the idea of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World movie. Actually, this film is adapted from comic books "Scott Pilgrim". The story is not too complicated, easy to understand, full of action, and stupid.


Children, pros and cons

Now, I live in my Grandmother's house which there are also my Aunt, Uncle, and their kids. Yes, their kids are the main problem on this post.

So, do you hate children?
Of course not! But, it depends based on the ages of the children themselves. Based on my pretty fool research, children started to act insanely between 3 to 5 years old.
What? Until what years they start to soften themselves?
Don't be too worry, because when they are on 3rd grade, they will be nicer and more kind to us.
Thanks God!
But sometimes, there are some exceptions, what I called "Trouble Makers". Yes, this incredibly annoying and brutal kids are HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED for you that are searching for peace and calm. I don't know when this "Trouble Makers" will be nicer, but I extremely believe from my deepest hard it will take a very long long time.
Oh great, now I can't focus for my sleep.
 Hey, don't worry about that! I have some tips for you when you are facing this kind of kids.
  1. You should lock your door, no matter you're inside or outside, this tricks will help you solve your sleep problems and to tighten your headquarter (read : room) defenses.
  2. Please keep your precious belonging, especially your expensive and memorable items. Such as : computer, mobile phone, your wallet, even your college tasks (yes, I make it bold so you can pay attentions to it). But, I prefer to keep my computer and mobile phone with password.
  3. If they ask you some questions, just say "Yes" or "No" no matter what kind of questions. Believe me, this is very helpful to quicken some boring conversation between you two.
Well, that's some tricks how to deal with "Trouble Makers". I just want to share it with you guys, because I don't want to see you guys are stuck on chaotic situation.

Hope this help! *grind 


It's not the beginning of worlds doom

Hello Ladies and Gents, I come back to the world of blogs.
It doesn't mean that this is the end of the world, well maybe some of you think like this :

"Oh no, he is back! I gotta changes my underwear!"
or maybe something like this :
"Run for your life....! He is going to blog again!"
Okay, I understand how you feel. Just keep following my blog, and you will be safe.

What are the contents of this blog?
Simple, this blog contains letters, words, pictures, and all things that created by the power of technology.

Why I should read this blog?
No, you shouldn't. YOU MUST.

What can I get by reading this blog?
Congratulations! By reading this blog, you just make your lifetime longer~~

Please, be serious...
Okay, okay. I'm trying my best to keep posting here so you can learn a new kind of human like me. It's very absurd blog, but it's meaningful enough to see your smile in front of your screen :))

Because this is, The Power of Laugh and Absurdity. *grind